TemTem Tier List: October

TemTem Tier List: October

For the purposes of this TemTem Tier Character Tier List, every playable character is assigned to one of the following ranks: S Tier, A Tier, B Tier, or C Tier. Characters at the S Tier are the very best choices available in the game. They have superior abilities that allow them to do well both in the main campaign and in the various minigames.

In contrast, Tier D characters have the least amount of impact in the overall TemTem Tier experience. Because their skills aren’t very useful, investing time and effort into levelling them up was a complete waste of time.

TemTem Tier List: October


Understanding TemTem Tier Tier List

Tier S – The strongest TemTem Tier in the game and the best of their characters. Prioritize these over anything else on the team.

Tier A – A great TemTem Tier that can do wonders for any team and battle, it’s not as strong as the S-Class, but it’s still very reliable.

Tier B – These TemTem Tiers aren’t the most powerful in the game, but they’re well-balanced and still make for a great core for your team, and also allow for effective checks and counter-attacks.

Tier C – While these TemTem Tiers aren’t that bad, they’re still not as flexible and require more strategy and support to make them viable.

TemTem Tier Tier List 

Bellow we have mentioned best crashers according to their best tier



Temtem Character

Tier S

Golzy, Minothor, Rhoulder, Tulcan

Tier A

Chimurian, Granpah, Gyalis, Hedgine, Kinu, Loali, Mimit, Mouflank, Seismunch, Skunch, Turoc, Tyranak,Vulcrane, Wiplump, Yowlar

Tier B

Aohi, Akranox, Anatan, Barnshe, Chromeon, Drakash, Garyo, Hazrat,, Kalabyss, Maoala, Monkko, Momo, Mudrid, Mushook, Myx, Nagaise, Nidrasil, Pigepic, Platimous, Raignet, Sanbi, Shuine, Tateru, Tukai, Tutsu, Tuwire, Ukama, Valiar,, Venmet, Vental, Venx, Volarend, Volgon, Vulffy

Tier C

0b10, Adoroboros, Amphatyr, Babawam, Capyre, Cerneaf, Chromeon (all types), Gazuma, Gharunder, Gorong, Grumper, Innki, Kauren, Koish (all types), Loatle, Magmut, Mastione, Mawmense, Molgu, Nessla, Noxolotl, Oceara, Osukai, Owlhe, Pocus, Raican, Raize, Saipat, Saku, Scaravolt, Shaolant, Tortenite, Tuvine, Valash, Zaobian, Zenoreth, Zizare

Tier D

Broccolem, Cycrox, Goolder, Piraniant, Taifu


In the Game of TemTem Tier we have listed best crashes according to their best tier. If we have missed something in this tier list, then you can give your valuable suggestion via writing comment below or you can mail us. We will try to add your suggestion in this post. Thank You. Happy Gaming:}

Also Check Out More Games Tier list 


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